7 questions to ask yourself to find what you really should do with your life

Your true path comes from yourself. Not from other’s advice.

Kon Kyprianou
6 min readApr 3, 2020
Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

Many people in our world need to follow their paths. Their own extraordinary paths which are going to lead them somewhere, where they can be something more. Either for themselves, either for their family it doesn’t matter.

But those paths are lifechanging. There’s no way back from it. That’s why you have to choose wisely. You need to know what questions to ask yourself to come to a result suitable for you. I mean the perfect result.

It’s not necessarily the hardest path either the easiest. It’s what you want and what is perfect for you. So let’s review some of the most important questions you need to make to yourself to reach that result.

  1. When am I the happiest?

I remember one day, I wasn’t feeling good. Actually, the day was awful. I argued with my dad, I woke up late with no plan at all, unproductive to maximum and everything was just terrible.

I didn’t know what to do. I thought about watching a movie but I knew that if I watch a movie I will be stuck there forever, so no I didn’t watch. So I sat to continue my course in programming but I wasn’t feeling it. My head was continuously somewhere else.

After many efforts to make something good in my day I ended up in the local stadium. I played football. I did individual training with music. I don’t know why but this training is in my head ever since. It was the most intensive training. For some unknown reason, I had so much energy that I could climb Everest in 10 hours on foot.

Anyway, apart from that I came to the result that football is the only thing that can make me happy and relax me more than anything else. In my life football is unbeatable. Football to me, is like Juliet to Romeo, Bonnie to Clayed. This is football for me.

Your football might be different. Might be editing your films for youtube or making beats for TikTok. For everyone might be different.

But the point is that it makes you happy. I don’t say that following what makes you happy is always the choice that will give you a salary like $10000 but at least, you will do something you love for the rest of your life. And when you become the best you will get paid more than $10000.

2. What am I doing right now that I shouldn’t be doing?

Is there something that you’re doing right now which makes you in an invisible way unproductive? Or something that pushes you a little more to your failure cliff?

If you don’t find the answer then most probably you’re not doing something like that.

On the other hand, if you are doing something like that then you have to dig deeper to find which it is. As humans, we want to do many things in our day to feel productive, but we forget the fact that by concentrating at only one thing is the key to productivity.

Jumping from one activity to the other only gives you a headache. Your brain continuously has to change its environment which leads to working harder, so you are feeling less energetic.

That’s not what we want. So think well what has to go away and what has to stay.

3. Would I still do what I do if I won the lottery?

This question is one of my favorites. Our world is depended more on companies and services. Year by year we see new available services that can make our lives easier. This means that more things are done automatically which gives us more time to get busy with making more money.

The result from everyone wanting to make more money leads us to think only about money and money where we forget our true purposes. I’m not saying that making more money is bad. Not at all. Money can pay bills, clothes, food, house, etc.

But being obsessed with making more money constantly makes us forget what we are fighting for. So we are fighting for what will give us more money.

But what if one day you won the lottery. $15 million is yours. Would you still try to pursuit money? I don’t think so. You would do what you wanted to do all your life. Am I wrong?

So ask yourself this question and get to a conflict with yourself about the answer. It’s not a bad thing to make a mistake. But fix it before it’s too late.

4. Why am I doing what I do?

Did you find your true purpose? The result of why you’re doing what you do? It may be because you watched your parents as a kid who didn’t live the life you know they deserve and you didn’t want to follow their steps. It may be a thousand maybes.

Everything you do has a purpose. The one thing with the biggest priority is the one that you should choose to follow (by considering the other questions too).

The reason why I play football over doing programming is because it’s my dream. I want to make me and my dad proud by playing football and be seeing in TV. Programming is only to be able to make some more money to help my family.

Consider this question very seriously and try to make the best of it. Is maybe the best question of all 7 I mentioned.

5. What is the meaning of success for myself?

We all have different standards in our life. As I said before what’s suitable for me might not be suitable for you. Thus, success means different for me and different for you.

I need to do different things to succeed for you. But what I want you to point out from this question is to set your standards. Maybe a person is fine by achieving $10000 a month (who wouldn’t be). But another person may want to rise more his income.

This depends on what I mean when I say I want to succeed. It’s your personal preference. No one can tell you that you have to achieve more. If you want to stop you can, if you don’t then continue. But never forget what success is for you.

6. Where I see myself in 5 years?

This is something that I do a lot. In 5 years I see myself in the best team of Cyprus. If not that then playing in the 1st division in 5 years is okay for me because I’ve set my standards.

And when I reach that goal I will set new goals and standards for the next 5 years. This will be going on and on until the day my body won’t be able to play football anymore.

Imagining in football is a huge benefit. And not only in football. In every aspect of your life. It has a big impact on your daily reactions.

Also, it shows you how it will be if you reach what you want. In my vision I see daily training, eating healthy, being happy, scoring goals, having good relationships with my closed ones.

Moreover, I see what it takes to reach my vision. And what I see will never get easier in my mind. I like making everything more difficult in my mind so I can be prepared for the top challenge. I never know if I visualize everything more difficult in my mind but I like doing it so it seems impossible to beat it up.

Visualize yourself to a better tomorrow, think how it will affect your path and be ready.

7. What are the sacrifices required for my success?

Lastly, but equally important with the other questions is to specify the sacrifices you need to make in each path you have available. Some may be more difficult than others some may be easier.

Either way, you have to think about how it will be in any situation. Even if you have already figured out what you will do with your life it’s good to think of what you will be asked to give up on.

These sacrifices will never be easy, trust me. I’m on the beginning of my journey and what I’m sacrificing right now is night outs with my friend, sometimes I sacrifice my sleep (which not always leads to good results) but most importantly I sacrifice time with my family. This is the most painful.

You need to evaluate how painful will your sacrifices be so you can be ready for every challenge you come up to.

Be ready.

I hope you can find your true path in your life with these questions. Even if you have already found it, it would be helpful to consider some of these. You have nothing to lose.

Let me know if there’s something you disagree with down in Responses. I would love to hear recommendations.

Until next time!



Kon Kyprianou

Student, Success Passion, Web Development enthusiast, books lover, footballer to-be